AICS Yangon is deeply saddened by the news of the loss of Maurizio Di Calisto.
We are close to Eleonora and Matteo, wife and son of Maurizio, and we extend them our heartfelt condolences.
Myanmar was the last country where Maurizio worked as former Head of Office of AICS Yangon, before retiring in 2019.
Throughout all his life Maurizio has always shown his unconditional commitment to a more sustainable and just world. He believed in cooperation among people, and he turned this belief into his lifelong career.
Maurizio will be remembered for the great enthusiasm and passion he put in his daily work with his colleagues and his team but mostly with the people in need of support in every country he worked.
AICS Yangon is sending healing prayers and comforting hugs to his family. May his soul rest in peace.
Ciao Maurizio