Joint News Release

21 January 2021

YANGON, MYANMAR – The Yangon Region Government, Italy, and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)  today marked the contribution of 1 million EURO from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in support of the COVID-19 response, with a ceremony at Aung Myint Moh treatment center in South Dagon Township, Yangon Region.

The Italian contribution has helped WFP provide daily nutritious meals for over 16,000 people, who were receiving medical and quarantine care at Aung Myint Moh, the largest COVID-19 treatment center in Yangon Region in terms of bed capacity.

The Ambassador of Italy to Myanmar, Alessandra Schiavo, said, “COVID-19 is a humanitarian tragedy of global proportions, which requires a strong and coordinated approach. Italy is close to Myanmar and its people and will continue to engage worldwide to overcome the pandemic, by supporting populations in need, by strengthening and funding the research for a vaccine, and by organizing the Global Health Summit, next 21 May in Rome, to make sure we will all get better prepared for future health challenges. Our support today to the Yangon Region and WFP is part of this vision, and part of our longstanding commitment in support of  Myanmar’s sustainable development and stability.”

H.E. U Phyo Min Thein, Chief Minister of the Yangon Region Government said, “The fact that there are good-will supporters for the people of Myanmar really raises up the spirits of those receiving medical care at COVID-19 centers like here.”

The assistance is guided by WFP’s expertise in meal preparation and high levels of food safety standards.

WFP’s Deputy Country Director Marcus Prior said, “Thanks to the excellent coordination by the Yangon Region Government and generous contribution from Italy, our food assistance have reinforced the Government of Myanmar’s front-line fight against the second surge of COVID-19 in an area with one of the most pressing needs for support.”

Yangon has been the most affected region in Myanmar following an exponential increase in local transmission of COVID-19 since mid-August. WFP meals are prepared with high food safety standards, adequately meet daily nutrition needs for patients, including those being treated for COVID-19 infection.

Assisting the Government in curbing the pandemic has been a priority for the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation since the beginning of the health crisis.

“With this specific intervention, we want to provide our contribution to alleviate the direct consequences of the pandemic on the most vulnerable populations. The support of the international community has become imperative in order to complement the efforts of the Myanmar Government in this direction, and today AICS confirms to be an active stakeholder, thanks to the strong and effective collaboration with WFP,” said Walter Zucconi, Head of Office, AICS Yangon.

In Rakhine State, WFP has provided food assistance to 60 quarantine sites in eight townships since September 2020. Over 100,000 returning migrants undergoing quarantine in 11 states and regions have also received food and nutrition support from WFP.

Women and Girls First (Phase 2):a new edition of a flagship program in Myanmar for promoting the advancement of women’s rights

On July 31st 2020 the Italian Development Cooperation Joint Committee approved a 400,000 Euro contribution to Phase II of the Women & Girls First programme (WGF), reaffirming its commitment to ensuring access to sexual and reproductive rights for women and girls in Myanmar. The initiative is executed by UNFPA with oversight and governance from a multi-donor trust fund.

The main goal of the WGF project is to ensure access to sexual and reproductive health rights for marginalized women and girls in Rakhine, Kachin and Northern Shan states.

The programme commenced in 2015 with pledges from several donors and an overall budget of 12 million dollars. Italy has funded the project since its start with two contributions of 400,000 Euro each in 2015 and 2017.

“Italy has supported this initiative since the beginning and significant results have already been achieved, specifically, the creation of standard operational procedures for GBV case management and the enhancement of sexual and reproductive health services for women victims of violence. This have paved the way for a second phase that will definitely contribute to improved gender equality in Myanmar” said Mr. Walter Zucconi, Head of Office of Italian Development Agency in Yangon, commenting on the renewed Italian pledge and contribution for WGF Phase II.

The initiative is fully aligned with the 2030 Agenda SDGs, especially with Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages, Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. While enhancing the sustainability of previous activities, the program aims to reinforce the peacebuilding component in the humanitarian and development nexus, thus ensuring comprehensive relief for women and girls living in conflict areas. In the states of Rakhine, Kachin and Northern Shan women do not fully enjoy their rights and are more likely to be affected by high poverty and low literacy rates in the context of continuous fighting. These dynamics reinforce cultural stereotypes of women, and GBV rates are higher in these areas compared to the rest of the country.

Assistance and support to women survivors of violence in conflict zones represents one of the specific objectives of the initiative through Centers for Women (WGF Centers), mental health and psycho-social support and dignity kits in IDPs camps.

In addition, the second phase of the programme will continue to support the Government of Myanmar and its commitment to fully implement the National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women (NSPAW) and to advocate for the adoption of a Law on Prevention of Violence Against Women (PoVAW) that complies with international human rights standards and protocols.

Thanks to the positive results obtained during the first phase, Women & Girls First has become one of the flagship programs in Myanmar for promoting the advancement of women’s rights. On this solid foundation, the second phase of the initiative will reach more beneficiaries in more townships and have a total budget of 22 million dollars thanks to new donors such as the European Union.

The initiative is part of the #TeamEurope Covid-19 response, as it is aimed at mitigating some of the effects of the pandemic. The project is an important measure to respond to the current health crisis, which is one more hazard for women in vulnerable situations, especially for those living in IDPs camps that lack basic sanitation.

Last Meeting of the Management Committee of the Myanmar-Italian Debt for Development Swap Initiative

On 13th March 2020 in Nay Pyi Taw, the capital of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Myanmar, Walter Zucconi, together with the Ambassador of Italy Alessandra Schiavo, attended  the 5th  and last meeting of the Management Committee of the Debt Swap Initiative,  worth approximately USD 3.1 million (2.9 million euros). The initiative is pledged to finance projects and programs promoting social and economic development. On this occasion, the Management Committee officially closed the initiative.

This Debt Swap Initiative originated from the relief of the outstanding Official Development Assistance (ODA) debt owed by Myanmar to the Government of Italy, agreed upon by the countries with the signature of the debt restructuring agreements in March 2013.

The debt swap funds were entirely conferred to the National Community Driven Development Project (NCDDP), a nation-wide government led program that has been active since 2013. NCDDP is mainly aimed at fostering development in rural areas through the construction of small infrastructure based on the community’s self-identified needs. Italy has supported the NCDDP since 2014 via a 20 million euros soft loan. Later in 2016 Italy decided to augment its participation to the program earmarking the debt swap funds for this purpose.

The overall Italian financial support to NCDDP has granted the Italian Cooperation a leading position among the bilateral donors to the national project.

Thanks to the Debt Swap funds, essential infrastructure like roads, schools and public buildings, water distribution systems and public lighting were built in the most remote and inaccessible rural areas of Chin State, involving around 96,000 beneficiaries and reaching important levels of participation and satisfaction among the communities.

“This important contribution provided by the Debt Swap funds to the success of the wider initiative (NCDDP), which is part of the overall Italian support to Rural Development & Social Inclusion, is also a result of stronger partnership established with Myanmar institutions during the implementation of the initiative,” stated AICS Yangon Director Walter Zucconi. Speaking about the significant changes that have occurred within the management of the Official Development Assistance policies in Myanmar, which combine the shared mission to pursue the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, he added:“ The need to review the overall cooperation framework of the Italian Government in the country could be considered. This also required in order to improve AICS alignment with the Sustainable Development Plan of Myanmar (MSDP), founded on a multi-year planning mechanism discussed and agreed between the Parties, aimed at optimizing the impact of the initiatives through results-oriented management.”